Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Weekend

Mateus got to spend a nice long weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Tingley.  Unfortunately the weather was not in our favor to venture very far from the house but he enjoyed himself none the less!
                                           First taste of a spring roll...and he ate the whole thing!

 He is very interested in the Christmas tree and loves when you point and talk about the ornaments...over and over and over again.
His daycare did a "Sundaes With Santa" and although Santa was not such a big hit, the other activities were.
                                                             Coloring With Grandpa
                                                                        Jingle Bells
                                                                  Getting his prize
                                                         Loved throwing the ornaments
                                         There's nothing like ice cream at 10:30 in the morning!
 Reading books with Mommy..or more like reading a page before he is on to the next book or the next thing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Thanksgiving Feast...and more

We had another wonderful visit in Susquehanna for Thanksgiving.  Mateus thoroughly enjoyed some new walls to "cruise" on and different cupboards to explore.  He continues to show more and more interest in getting to know his cousin- however he needs to learn that there are better ways to say hello other than hitting him on the head with a puzzle piece....oops.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.
                                  He has the look of being in a food trance thanks to Grandpa's ribs
 Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner...Funny enough he wouldn't touch any leftovers the next day.  This is starting to be a trend in the food department.
                                               Walking is exhausting...Chillin' with Grandpa
                      Again...need to work on how to be nice to our cousin.  Is petting a form of endearment?
                                                                 Hugs for Grandma

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mateus at 12 months.....

Is on  the move!  If there is a wall to find, an object to pull himself up on he does it and just goes.
He's also getting braver and taking a few steps on his own before falling into someone's arms.
Signs and vocalizes "all done" and will use it when he is done eating and as soon as you put him on the changing table.
Signs "more" for everything he wants and hopes you follow through with his request.
HATES to have his diaper changed, clothes changed, anything involved with having to lay down on his back!
Is slowly transitioning off the bottle and is working on his sippy cup skills.
Says the word "cat" and points to Nala
Is obsessed with finding all the cords in the house and when you call his name he will shake his head, smile, and then touch it anyway.
LOVES to hear music and will bounce his head from side to side
Is developing quite the palate and I think has quite the sweet tooth (he inhaled his first nutri-grain bar)
No longer sits contently in his carseat, stroller, or shopping cart....
Thinks that 6:30 is a great time to wake-up EVERY single morning  (getting ready in the morning now has it's new set of challenges).
Continues to be quite vocal with his babbling and is making his mommy proud! :-)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Open Letter to Mateus

Dear Mateus,
                     As I'm sitting here typing this letter to you, I'm reminded of this time last year when you were starting to let me know that you were ready to come meet us.  Thinking back to my labor and delivery- it was kind of reflective of you....a little laid back at first but then ready to go when you wanted to.  When I was pregnant with you, I often thought about what you were going to be like- what would you look like?  What would your personality be?  You have turned out a nice mix of Daddy and I.  Easy going when you are well rested and fed but also very determined and a bit of perfectionist when attempting new things.  I still remember so many nights being up with you snuggled against my chest wondering when I would get a full nights sleep.  Now I get those full nights of sleep but boy do I miss your middle of the night snuggles and stretches.  Our relationship started like any would...slowly getting to know each other, learning each other's quirks- but we finally found our groove and our lives we're changed forever for the better.  People tell you that a baby will change your world- to this I say they are absolutely right.  But what no one can truly convey is the love you feel for a child.  That love came like nothing I every knew and continues to grow deeper every day.  You have taught me selflessness and how to be more present in the moment.  I have cherished every single moment with you as we've learned from each other.  I love the way you chatter away and get a big grin on your face when you are happy and excited.  I'm enjoying watching you explore and learn about everything around you as you take each new thing in for the first time.
12 months went by in the blink of an eye and you are no longer a baby.  You have grown in leaps and bounds and continue to amaze and entertain us everyday.  Please know how much your Daddy and I love you and how much we look forward to our new adventures into toddlerhood.
Happy 1st Birthday to our Little Man!
Love Always,

Monday, October 28, 2013

Birthday Celebration

This past weekend we celebrated Nathan and Mateus turning one.  It was a wonderful weekend filled with lots of family, good food, and of course birthday cake!  It's always fun to watch the boys interact and see two different personalities come together.  They learned a lesson in sharing as both were very interested in walking with Grandma Radicchi's walker despite the new toys they were given.  Who needs blocks and trucks when there is walking to do!  Unfortunately it was hard to get a picture to capture this but we were able to capture many other moments...
              Cousin play-yes they were actually keeping their hands to themselves for a brief moment.
                                                    Mateus really got into the photo shoot
                                                                        4 generations
                                                                    Play with a cup
                                                           Mateus loved his balloon
                                                                  Waiting for cake
                                                                    Diving right in!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mateus down south

Last week Mateus got the opportunity to visit Grandma and Grandpa Heiman down in Georgia.  October was the perfect time to be down there and we had a wonderful visit.  Mateus made himself right at home exploring his new surroundings.  Grandma learned quickly all of the things that needed baby proofing. Mateus had his first visit to the aquarium (he loved the fish and dolphins), his first encounter with a goat (not such a big fan at first), and his first train ride (which he slept through).  Here are some photos from our visit.

                                            Grandpa Heiman instilling some words of wisdom
                                                            Very unsure of the goats
                                                             First taste of a turkey leg
                                            All of the new activities and the heat tired him out
                                                                   First golf cart ride
                                                     Wearing matching hats with Grandpa

This month has certainly been a month of change.  Mateus continues to improve his crawling abilities, loves to stand and cruise along all furniture and walls (let the baby proofing begin!), figured out how to stand up in his crib, finally transitioned to the "big" tub, and is hanging in the toddler room at daycare.  He seems to be "packing it in" before his first birthday and I think is going to leave October behind with avengence.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mateus at 11 months....

Is finally crawling! (or crawl/scootching) but he's moving nonetheless!  And now he seems to gravitate towards Nala's food, TV chords, cable box, and bathroom drawers.  Who needs toys when there are so many more interesting and unsafe things to play with.

Mateus had his first birthday photo shoot the day before we tried to take this picture.  This was the only decent picture I could capture and I think he is telling us "enough already with the pictures!"  He was however a trooper at the photo shoot and quite the ham in front of the camera.  He then proceeded to flirt with the sales girl at the Body Shop and "talk" (or sqawk) to try and get another child's attention.  Just a typical Friday night at the mall with Mateus. :-)

          He was more interested in watching other kids play on the playground than looking at the camera.
 It was a beautiful weekend and so we took advantage and went to the park.  I wanted to let Mateus have the opportunity to walk around (with my assitance) the playground and explore the big climbing toys.  Just after a few steps this is the pose he took as he has not yet become comfortable wearing shoes and stepping on the ground.
Did I mention that he is fascinated with other children?  Again watching more kids run around.  He couldn't get enough!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fun with Friends

 First visit to Primanti Brother's in the Strip District...He enjoyed trying to grab the paper that the sandwiches are served in.
 The Rubber Duck at Point Park.  Mateus was more interested in people watching than he was looking at the duck (or the camera for that matter).
                                                                   First Octoberfest
We had a wonderful visit with some of our Seattle friends this past weekend.  We hadn't seen each other in over 3 years but it felt like no time at all.  Mateus of course enjoyed the extra attention and was a real trooper as we showed them around Pittsburgh.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

                                                                         Happy Boy!
                         This is what he does now to occupy himself while I am getting reading in the morning.
                                                                      Fun at the park
                                                          Such a big boy feeding himself
                                                  Not such a fan of wearing shoes at the park