Saturday, May 25, 2013

I think we have a foodie on our hands

Mateus loves food!  And not just his baby food- he is infatuated with any and all food and/or drink in his visual field.  I hope his palate continues to be as open to new foods as it currently is.
                                                  Butternut Squash took a few days to like
                                                            Pears were an instant hit!
                                                              Love for avacado!
For the beginning fruits and veggies, I have been making the baby food.  It's taken me almost 7 years to really use and truly appreciate our food processor.  I've also discovered how as adults we are missing out on some good stuff. The other night I baked peaches and then put them in the food processor.  After a little taste test, I realized how good they would taste on vanilla ice cream :-)
Although I can say so far so good in both the making and eating of the food, I draw the line at making my own peas, green beans, or any other strange texture green vegetable.  The day Mateus tries peas I am really going to have to try and fake excitement for how good (bad!) they really are.  Hopefully he did not inherent my distaste for all vegetables as a child.
Here are a few other "Matues out takes" from the past 2 weeks......
                                                        Helping Daddy with the laundry
                                                   Attempted first swing ride (still to small)
                                                             Playing with his new toy
                                    No pants!  (He is not really standing but leaning against the couch)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Road Trippin', Real Food Eating....Just another day in the life of a 6 month old

Last weekend Mateus and I took a road trip to Philadelphia to visit with friends and to see Grandma T. and Aunt Sandy.  Mateus is the perfect road trip companion....He does not argue with my choice of music, sleeps until he needs to stretch his legs and then starts talking to me when he needs a break.  He was a trooper through it all.  We spent one night in 3 different places.  I have now become an expert of the put up and take down of the pack-n-play and for the most part Mateus just went with the flow.  It was a wonderful weekend to get to spend some quality time with some of my dearest friends and getting to see Mom and Aunt Sandy was an added bonus.  Here are some pictures from the weekend....
                                                Quinn sharing her eggs upon our arrival
                                                                The next generation!
                                           Cayden really enjoyed holding Mateus on his lap.
 Sydney was in from Seattle for 48 hours.  I haven't seen her in almost 2 years so we had lots of catching up to do!
                                         Mateus dressed up in his button down for all the girls.
This is the face I woke up to after his first night in the pack-n-play in a strange place.  I'd call the night a success.! 
Following our road trip and recovery, Mateus had his 6 month check-up at the pediatrician.  He now weighs 16.3 lbs- up 10 lbs from his birth weight!  We got the go ahead to start introducing food.  Needless to say he appears more than ready as he is so fascinated by any food or drink that makes its way in front of his visual field.  We started with sweet potatoes today and he welcomed them with open mouth!  He was also introduced to the sippy cup with water and apple juice mixed together.  He really enjoys chewing on the end of the cup and with help can drink down its contents.
Here are a few other excerpt pictures from the week......

                                                                       Piano Man
                            We are discovering that Mateus does not tolerate hats well......
                                             Grandma was giving him a ride in his box train