Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Weekend

Mateus got to spend a nice long weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Tingley.  Unfortunately the weather was not in our favor to venture very far from the house but he enjoyed himself none the less!
                                           First taste of a spring roll...and he ate the whole thing!

 He is very interested in the Christmas tree and loves when you point and talk about the ornaments...over and over and over again.
His daycare did a "Sundaes With Santa" and although Santa was not such a big hit, the other activities were.
                                                             Coloring With Grandpa
                                                                        Jingle Bells
                                                                  Getting his prize
                                                         Loved throwing the ornaments
                                         There's nothing like ice cream at 10:30 in the morning!
 Reading books with Mommy..or more like reading a page before he is on to the next book or the next thing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Thanksgiving Feast...and more

We had another wonderful visit in Susquehanna for Thanksgiving.  Mateus thoroughly enjoyed some new walls to "cruise" on and different cupboards to explore.  He continues to show more and more interest in getting to know his cousin- however he needs to learn that there are better ways to say hello other than hitting him on the head with a puzzle piece....oops.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.
                                  He has the look of being in a food trance thanks to Grandpa's ribs
 Enjoying Thanksgiving dinner...Funny enough he wouldn't touch any leftovers the next day.  This is starting to be a trend in the food department.
                                               Walking is exhausting...Chillin' with Grandpa
                      Again...need to work on how to be nice to our cousin.  Is petting a form of endearment?
                                                                 Hugs for Grandma