Sunday, July 20, 2014

Vacation Fun

We had a GREAT family vacation in Deep Creek Maryland.  It was a nice balance of activity and relaxation (well as much relaxation as can be expected with a toddler...and one that didn't want to nap or sleep in his own bed...but still :-)  Mateus easily seemed to overcome his initial fear of water that he demonstrated at the beginning of the summer and he was not fearful of the big open lake.  When there was a duck to go after, he didn't care what he had to trudge through to get a closer look. 
We saw some parallel play emerging between the boys and also a lot of jealousy when it came to Grandma and Grandpa's attention.  All in all it was such a nice way for the 8 (and a 1/2) to spend some extended time together.  Here are some pictures that captured our time together:
                                            This was a common occurrence every afternoon

                   Mateus is currently obsessed with watching You Tube videos of  Wheels on the Bus

                  This is what Mateus did when we told him to give his cousin a hug before saying goodbye