Monday, December 10, 2012

A week of firsts

This was a week of firsts for Mateus.  After he hit the 1 month mark, I decided that it was time for both of us to get out of the house.  He had his 1 month check-up at the doctor where he weighed in at 9lbs 6 oz.  He gets an A+ in the feeding department :-)  Joe and I then took him out to lunch where he slept the whole time.
He also had his first trip to the mall and his first encounter with another baby.  The photo above is Lily, the daughter of friends of ours.  She is 3 months old and by looks of things has a thing for younger boys :-)  On Saturday, he went to his first Christmas party and seemed to enjoy being in a crowd.  He partied until almost 10 pm!
Mateus is learning to sleep for longer stretches at night and has gained some nice strength in his neck thanks to tummy time.  He continues to fight with reflux but is finally learning to keep his medicine down.  He has started to get added bonding time with Daddy as he was also introduced to the bottle and they now get to share a meal together.

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