Here we are at 12 weeks....the end of my maternity leave and the beginning of a whole new period of adjustment for all of us. During my good moments I've accepted that I need to go back to work and that Mateus is going to be fine without me. During the rougher moments (like now as I type this) I get really choked up with the thought of leaving my little guy.
He's been making some wonderful gains over the past couple of weeks. After a visit with the feeding team at Children's Hospital, we seem to be making good progress with him taking a bottle again. It only took trial and error of 6 different bottles and some good lullaby tunes to help him find his stride.
Mateus has discovered his hands and can often be found trying to fit his fist in his mouth. His grasp is improving and anything that he may be able to get his hands on also seem to find their way to his mouth. He's making more attempts to sit up when leaning against my legs. However he has better trunk than neck control at this point so his positioning is a slumped over, no neck look with his chubby cheeks falling forward in plain sight :-)
He's been sleeping in his crib at night for a week now. Going to bed proves to be a difficult task (at times the process has taken 2 hours before he is asleep) but he's been sleeping and waking up 1-2 x's a night so at this point I'll take it. We've attempted naps in the cribs as I thought that would be a good way to transition to night time sleeping. Turns out he is not a fan of the crib during the day and as soon as I realized that it was a fight not worth fighting, he snuggles into his swing and I get a few hours to myself again. Works out for both of us.
I was very torn with how to approach the whole sleep/crib transition. I felt that I should educate myself with different possibilities and picked up a book and checked out a few mommy blogs. Through my reading (and an emotional phone call with my Mom), I learned two things- being too informed can actually be more stressful than helpful and although I've told myself all along to watch and listen to Mateus's cues, I got a little caught up in what I thought I was supposed to do. Reading about other's experiences almost solidified what we've known all along- Mateus really is a pretty easy going good baby and our biggest struggles don't even compare to some other experiences I have read about.
So I've now decided to return the book to the library and take a break from Mommy blogs and just let mother's intuition along with Mateus's cues to navigate the next couple of weeks and see where that takes us as I venture into working mother mode.
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